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Getting The Sleep You Need

Woman sitting back on the bed, Woman just woke up with stretch oneself. A women stretching in bed after wake up, back view.

It is estimated that 1 in 3 adults struggle with sleep at least once per week. Of those struggling with sleep, 40% sleep less than the minimum recommended amount of 7 hours per night.

Sleep is your first line of defense for health, wellness, vitality, and energy. During a proper sleep cycle your body cleans up the damage from the day, re-sets your hormones, and restores your muscles and joints to prepare for the next day.

Light exposure and body temperature are two of the most common sleep disruptors. Primarily because the inhibit melatonin production.

Here are 5 tips to keep both in check:

Get the sleep you need by re-evaluating your bedtime routine. A few simple adjustments may be all it takes.

Article provided courtesy of Chelsea Kmiec, Chief Wellness Officer at Strand Hill |Christie’s International Real Estate. More information on Wellness at Strand Hill can be found here.

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